Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I'm rather Type A.  Not totally (there is stuff all over my car right now), but mostly.

I make lists, but sometimes they're just mental ones.

At the end of the day, I prefer order to chaos.  Literally.  I can barely sleep if I have clutter around my place.

This week I've felt circumstances swirling around me, not in my control.  You know what I'm talking about -- you're grasping for some resolution, but you know it's kind of pointless?

Here's what's got me unsettled this week:

The monumental jump from AT&T to Verizon.
AT&T has powered my cell phones from my very first Zack Morris model back in 1994.  The "seamless switch" wasn't exactly my choice (want to save some bucks for the company!), and I'm a little bit bitter that my friends and family contacts didn't make the switch.  With all the iTunes syncing, exchange servers, and online address books of the world, how is it possible to retain every recipient of every work email I've ever sent, but not the people who are related to me by blood?

The house sale.
I'm still not writing about this, because well, nothing's final yet.  I tell you what: I made the right decision when I opted out of real estate as a career path.  I sure wish we could settle soon. 

Purgefest 2K11.
I am so ready for this garage sale to be over!  It feels good to purge, but it does not feel great to live amongst garbage bags and boxes.

Potential-but-not-confirmed travel for next week.
When I'm traveling half way across the country, I much prefer to know more than six days in advance.  And I don't like it that in the process, I'll miss some commitments that are much more important to me.

Emails in my inbox that haven't been addressed.
Spending the past two days recovering contacts from the old iPhone has put a serious damper on my productivity.  In my world, rarely do messages sit overnight in the inbox.  And well, they are this week.

I could go on, but really, this list is absurd.  These things are silly and insignificant in the big picture, and I'm hereby declaring them stretching, not unsettling.

Stretching.  Ugh, that's so unsettling!

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