Friday, May 27, 2011

somebody sent me flowers

Recently, my friend sent herself flowers.  And that blog post happened to be about how great my friends are.

Yesterday, another one of my friends sent me flowers.

She just did it out of the goodness of her heart, to send me a happy.  Talk about making my Thankful Thursday even better!

Earlier in the day another one of my friends called just to tell me that she loves me.

And I repeat: I have the greatest, most encouraging friends.  Ever.

It seems there's always one who's stepping up and loving me in a tangible way, who's lavishing generosity just because, or who's calling me just to check in and say "hi."

This week has felt like a personal lovefest.  I hope that this weekend y'all feel the love, too!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl! You are loved my many, including me!
