Saturday, April 16, 2011

breathe again

My small group and I are engaging in Purge Fest 2K11.

Priority number one is to clean out the unnecessary stuff we've accumulated (purge the evil!), and if we make a few bucks to put toward our summer mission trip, that'll be icing on the cake.

Nikol began her purging weeks ago, and, very true to her project management background, is systematically going room by room through her house, pricing items along the way.  She's good like that.

I, on the other hand, procrastinated until today and finally tackled the dreaded little corner of my dwelling: my closet.

I have a great closet -- spacious, effective shelving, organized.  Probably intended for a couple to use together.  In other words, a single person should have space to spare.

Alas, I've apparently felt the need to fill it up over the years.  To the brim.

Oh, my stars.  Sca-ry.

So I started purging like crazy and wrestled with these things along the way:
  1. Why did I ever think it was a good idea to keep dry cleaning hangers?
  3. I'm embarrassed by the amount of clothes that I wore only a couple of times.
  5. I'm more embarrassed by the amount of clothes I've had for a couple more than a few years.
  7. How many spare pairs of tennis shoes did I really think I might need to have on hand?  Ridiculous.
  9. It's disgusting to know the amount of material things that take up space in my world.
  11. Why did my heart hurt a little bit when I threw away one of my most favorite pairs of shoes, even though the soles might as well have had holes in them?  For the love, Robyn, let them go.

Two hours and many a trash bag later ...

... I can breathe again!


  1. WOW great job!!!

    By the way, I facebook stalked you and found your blog! =) Love it!


  2. Loving your blog!

    Very impressed with the purging project... and the nifty camera bag. You and Nikol have inspired me to continue on in my efforts to purge all the unnecessary junk in my home. Since you are through... you can come help me out :-)

    Good times!

  3. Heather, I'm so glad you did find me! I hope you'll come back sometime!

    Lil, I have plenty more of my own, thanks! Ha!

  4. Great Job! Funny I just read this after I made those suggestions!! hehehe! But then again, great minds think alike!

  5. I'm about to attempt some more serious purging myself. I'm going after my t-shirt closet again. It's sad I have a t-shirt closet. It's time to do some more letting go. I'm feeling pretty good about it but that's how I usually start out and then the nostalgia hits. So, we'll see how it actually goes.
