Thursday, April 21, 2011

thankful thursday #23

Tonight I attended a Maundy Thursday service at an Episcopalian church here in town.  Coming from a Methodist upbringing, and now attending a Baptist church, I always enjoy experiencing Holy Week services in churches of all traditions.

Last year, when my Baptist church decided they would have a Maundy Thursday service for the first time, I had to giggle at the folks who had never heard of such a thing.  C'mon folks!  Branch out!

Anyway, St. Luke's did a beautiful job of emphasizing Jesus's final mandate to his disciples to love one another.  And not just to love people, by the way, but to love them from a place of authentic humility and service to others.

It was so important to Him, and so radical, in fact, that He demonstrated that kind of love by washing the feet of His disciples.

Tonight, the congregation participated in its own celebration of the foot washing.  I confess that when I read that in the order of worship, I thought it would be symbolic.

Instead, my two dear friends and I literally washed each other's feet.  It was a little bit funny, because of course we didn't really know the protocol (who does?!), and the water was freezing cold.  And, the ladies assisting in the ritual probably cringed when we poured the entire pitcher of water into our bowl (in observing other participants, I think we were supposed to be more frugal?).

But ultimately, it was stretching, and humbling, and sweet.  I'm thankful to have friends who'd do that with, and for, me.

Happy Maundy Thursday, folks.  What's got you feeling thankful?  Go on, be grateful!

1 comment:

  1. I remember going to the church in Greensboro where Doug is the organist. It was at Christmastime, I think, and there was a foot-washing ceremony about which I had not been forewarned. Of course, being in/going to church I had on hose/stockings. So, I opted out of the foot washing. I had never been a part of a service with this taking place. I'm very proud of myself for not giggling. Linda
