Thursday, October 18, 2012

thankful thursday #100 (the giveaway)

After last Friday's little tumble, it's been a sad week for exercise. I was hitting a nice running routine, and I was bummed to have it interrupted.

A perfect time to practice some gratitude, wouldn't you say?

On the up side, sad times are always delicious times in my world, because let's face it, I'm an emotional eater. This week of food indulgences probably shouldn't be in the I'm-thankful-for category, but I'm making it so. I have eaten well this week and enjoyed it.

And on the more legitimate up side, the ankle is healing up and the swelling is going down. I sure do take it for granted that my body can be pushed to run five miles, and when it's had a bad day, heal up when it needs to. It won't always be this way, so for now, I'm grateful.

Now, the giveaway!

So fun. I loved reading your thankful posts; they really do make the heart overflow. I hope yours did.

I really wanted to send some cards to everyone, but I stuck with the plan and selected two random names. I could have drawn names out of a hat, but that might have appeared shady, and well, I'm not shady.

So to be above board, I did it online, for-real randomly, and here's what I got ...

(drumroll, please)

... and ...

(Don't you just love how there's an exclamation point at the end of each selected name? It's like I really did draw your name out of a hat and squeal with glee.)

Katie and Deana, I will pop those in the mail to you tomorrow. Maybe they'll arrive just in time to brighten your Mondays.

Thanks, y'all, for humoring me, and for celebrating one hundred posts of gratitude. Here's to one hundred more!

Be thinking about how you're going to spend these cards, you two. Go on, be grateful!


  1. Hope you're feeling better Robyn after your "tumble". What a great idea giving away your prize -- everyone appreciates a note now and then!
