Thursday, May 30, 2013

thankful thursday #132

I've put down roots in a few great communities over the years, in a few cities, in a few states. Not an outrageous number, but enough to have dear friends here, and others who are scattered.

They're like my life breadcrumbs. If you trace them, one at a time, eventually they lead back home.

I wrestle, and I mean wrestle, with the reality that a lot of those close friends (and family, for that matter) are not, in fact, close, in the literal sense of the word.

It means I am all-the-time wondering about the next opportunity to vacation and visit; how I can best stay connected from far away; or why I don't get the luxury of a spontaneous dinner with one of them.

It means I shed tears sometimes when I hug them bye; I feel ashamed and inadequate, at the amount of time I spend (or don't spend) calling or texting or emailing; and I whine about it to God. I do.

Tomorrow, one of those close-friends-who-isn't-close is coming to see me, and I can barely contain my excitement. I'm so thankful she's willing to take a little field trip, away from her own family, to spend 24 hours with me.

She loves me well, and oh, how grateful I am for it!

I'm forecasting a pretty fantastic weekend ahead for me. How about you? Go on, be grateful!

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