Sunday, September 11, 2011

ten years later

"Unity to be real must stand the severest strain without breaking."
-- Mahatma Gandhi

Ten years ago, it seemed that every piece of rubble was a piece of America, and of what she used to be.

i remember
the chaos
unspeakable violence
valiant rescues
good-byes of husbands and wives, mamas and daddies
children's tough questions
packed churches

It was a hard rebirth for our country that day.

At some point in the days that followed, we united.  Our generation was given its first real chance to live the the Pledge of Allegiance, not just recite it, like I had done every morning in my classrooms growing up.

One nation under God, indivisible ...

Our unity led to resolve, and resolve evolved into action, and eventually progress.

Time and sacrifice of countless heroes were traded for victories, although bittersweet ones.

And ten years passed.

i celebrate
selfless servicemen and women
the strength of families left behind
brave leadership
courageous acts of ordinary people
fallen heroes

Moving forward, when cynicism begins to creep into hearts, or political divisions paralyze progress, my prayer is that we will have clarity of mind to know the truth, that no progress has ever been made -- no good ever been accomplished -- by critics and nay-sayers.

People are fighting every day for our freedoms, and that's reason enough to be united.

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