Monday, September 19, 2011

file the piles

Does anyone else visualize your life in file folders?

My work production manifests itself in color-coded file folders (labeled in typset, not penmanship, thanks very much), but admittedly my personal life, while highly organized in my brain, sometimes struggles in the physical realm.

My kitchen table was getting crazy with piles for this and that -- recipes; travel documents; to-do lists; bills; blah-di-blah.

But in this organized fantasy world of mine, I envisioned these piles finding a home in this perfect, portable, file-tote-bag-with-the-perfect-strap that I wasn't sure existed anywhere other than in my brain.

And then I got dangerously close to the "I can probably make that" edge, and well, we know that I completed the craft quota for the year back in the spring, so I safely backed away from that tragedy waiting to happen.

So in Target one day, I stumbled into the aisle reserved for Martha Stewart's Real Simple product line, and there was this lovely light gleaming, and the faint sound of an angelic chorus, which in my shopping experience tells me that God's about to reveal Himself by making my vision a reality.

And so it was, and who I am to keep it a secret?

Here's what's great about it:
  1. Some starter hanging files
  2. Fabric lining with pockets for pens and other tinies
  3. Firm base and sides, so that it doesn't tip over in my car
This little gal tags along with me in my car, and so I have my non-work related files with me all the time.  I love her function, and love her style.

The solution was in my mind the whole time.

I just should've known Martha would beat me to it.


  1. And I love how when you pull it out, every gal in the room lusts over it.

  2. I will have to get me one of these!!
