Monday, March 14, 2011


This past week was hard work in a lot of ways.

The hard work I'm talking about isn't really hard, when I think about my doctor friend who counsels the families of dying patients.  I mean, really.  Hard work is relative.

And, our hard work isn't entirely unexpected, because in the world of events, you're guaranteed to battle bad weather, cover for unreliable people, and knock out some manual labor you don't really want to do, but have to.  It's just the way it is.

I wrestled with some disappointment, too, on a lot of levels.  I get disappointed when details aren't addressed properly.  When people let me down, or don't cooperate.  When we're not as efficient a team as we should be.  When someone makes an uneducated criticism that isn't fair.

I was disappointed in myself at times, even.  And that one really hurts.

When we were younger (if I had to guess, probably in middle school when girls are generally just mean to each other), my cousin Emily and I were talking about some friend who'd dropped the ball.  I remember so clearly her telling me, "Mom told me that people will always disappoint you, but the only one who won't is God."

What wisdom to share with children, and what truth to cling to during times of disappointment!  I'm thankful to have been given that little nugget, so long ago, by family.

If you're feeling a tinge of disappointment -- in people, in circumstances, in yourself, even -- I hope you'll reach out to the One who won't let you down.  Ever!


  1. Fantastic reminder! Thank you friend!

  2. Even through the hardest and most difficult times, thankfully there is One who will never disappoint or let us down. Thanks for the reminder.
