Thursday, January 27, 2011

thankful thursday #11

This is the tale of how a Thankful Thursday can change at the drop of a ring.

When I was in Charleston a couple of weeks ago, I bought myself a little memento from the market, as a reminder of our trip: a thin, plain, silver band, to wear on my left pinky.

One kind of like this:

The only rings I wear are my grandmother's engagement and wedding rings, on my right hand, so it took some getting used to, but I was loving that ring!

For a whopping three days.

On the Monday after our trip, I was leaving work, and I realized that my delicate little pinky ring was so delicate, I seemed to have missed it falling off my finger.  Naturally, I searched in my car, in the parking lot, under my desk, and any other place I remembered visiting that day, but to no avail.

It was a sad day, not because the ring was extravagant or pricey, but because that little ring was a big reminder for a spectacular trip!

Fast forward nine days, to yesterday.  I came in to the office, and here was what greeted me:

My old-fashioned planner, with my to-do list for the day, and the ring!  Glory!

I was so thankful it was found, and that our cleaning crew was honest enough to leave it for me (never mind the fact that they apparently only clean under my desk every nine days).  Today's Thankful Thursday entry was going to be cake!

Until last night, when, after one whole day of wearing my ring, and being so grateful, I was having dessert with friends and realized it wasn't on my hand.

Really?  Unfunny!

I could identify a thirty-minute window where it could've come off, and again, I searched everywhere.  I had waiters move booth benches, and I left them with my name and number.  I retraced my steps.  I checked the restroom.  I hoped my ring wasn't being swept into the dust pan, and tossed into the garbage bags.


Needless to say, my Thankful Thursday is no longer highlighting the chance discovery of my missing ring, or the honesty of an office custodial crew.

Not gonna lie, I'm feelin' kind of bummed (for the second time, mind you!), but it's Thankful Thursday.  Must.  Appreciate.  Something.

I'm just grateful I only spent $10 on that sweet little ring.

Please tell me someone has a more inspiring thankfulness than me today.  Go on, be grateful!

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