Thursday, November 18, 2010

thankful thursdays

Thursdays rock my world.  I meet with five beautiful women every week for a little Bible study, a little prayin', a little laughin', a little cryin', a little eatin', and it is glorious.  I love those girls.

I can't remember a Thursday where I didn't leave them with a big extra dose of gratitude overflowing my cup.  For friendships, for sharing, for all sorts of tiny (and big!) things.

So the plan is to institute Thankful Thursdays each week here on the blog.  I'm not going to be all Oprah and list five things in my "Gratitude Journal" or anything (gag).  And fair warning, it might be totally off-the-wall, crazy insignificant, or just downright shallow.

And it may or may not accompany a short story. J

It's just a little exercise to keep my spirit grateful and my heart glad.  Taking the time for some simple thanks.  And you can play, too!

This Thursday?  I'm thankful for my safety this morning!

My sweet mom has been on a tireless hunt for used, good-condition furniture for the little bro's new apartment.  And we all know Craig's List is a go-to for starters.  So this morning I went to scout out some furniture she'd found online, here in town.

And, I had to meet a nice-enough-sounding guy at his ... wait for it ... storage unit to see it.  A little shady, maybe, right?

I can be naive about these things, but today I asked one of the guys at work to call me at a designated time, just in case I'd been taken out to a woodshed or something.  (Morbid, right?!  But give me some credit for covering my bases!)

So, all was well, there was no drama, and I'm just thankful it was a safe situation.  And for my friend who called me up to check on me.  It was very brotherly, in the non-related kind of way.

Your turn.  What're you appreciating today?  Go on, be grateful!


  1. Appreciating children who love us and let their children skype with Oma and Uga; having old friends in Europe and new friends in Africa; sharing the everyday lives of so many students from German classes and watching the changes in their lives. Blessed to read your thoughts, Robyn!

  2. Frau, thanks for playing! :) For the record, I'm thankful for teachers like you who made real impacts in the lives of your students. Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!

  3. I'm thankful for side-splitting, roll on the floor, no-sound-coming-out-of-your mouth, ugly-girl laughter!

  4. I'm thankful that I stumbled upon this. And I'm even more thankful for friendships that are so geniune...that it doesn't matter how many days/weeks/months it's been since you've hung-out together. Because I KNOW that the next time that we do, indeed, get to hang-out, it will be a blast, guaranteed. ;)

  5. NKW, love laughing with you! And JB, boy, do I miss you.
