Wednesday, April 16, 2014

some words of affirmation from Jesus

This girl's love language is words of affirmation, period, without question. Spoken, written, or shared to other people, those words mean a lot to me. It's just how I'm wired.

We all have our own ways of loving, relating to other people. And if we believe in a God whose m.o. is a personal relationship with his children, then my logic tells me we have to believe in a God who speaks all the love languages.

That comforts me.

I'm reading this book, about the Book of Revelation. In chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation, there are letters from Christ to seven local churches, each who are representative of his greatest love: the Church.

Within these letters, Jesus is so generous to commend those people. He rebukes and corrects, too -- they are, of course, fallen souls -- but he is, in essence, offering to them words of affirmation.

My language.

And a good opportunity to gather insight on some things Jesus took time to affirm!

Here are a few of the things he loves and appreciates about these churches:

toil, labor and perseverance //  When his people are diligent workers for his name's sake, he sees the hard work. He knows when they feel like they're getting nowhere, or like the uphill never seems to turn to a downhill. He feels the frustration, and the exhaustion.

zero tolerance of evil //  He understands that his people are surrounded by temptation, in their fallen world, and so he values those who maintain high, holy standards. Those who fight hard to remain pure. Those who live in the world, but who are not of the world.

tribulation and pressure //  I think he knows that in this crucible, where evil surrounds his people, and inside which they are refined, the pressure will feel unbearable at times. But he has promised to be constant through it.

standing firm //  Jesus is pleased when his people refuse to be swayed by what culture tells them is right. He loves when they hold fast to the Truth and the name of Christ, especially when everyone around them is telling them otherwise.

obedience //  And when they discern what is right, in spite of what the world tells them, and are obedient in that calling, that is precious in the sight of Jesus.

loving God and serving one another //  It was the new commandment he gave to his disciples at the Last Supper: "Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other." This would be proof to the world that these men were his disciples, so it's no surprise he was encouraging the church to follow suit.

I love him for speaking my language, and for sharing in that language the things he loves about his people.

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