Thursday, March 13, 2014

thankful thursday #173

For the first time in probably ten years, I did not travel to a conference basketball tournament for work this week.

It meant that I stayed back at the office, was productive in the quiet, refrained from all manual labor, and reclaimed two weekends in March that are typically spent in airports and rental cars.

It meant that I avoided working outdoors in the freezing cold, wind, and rain. I got a head start on some other projects at work that usually hang out on the back burner until the end of the month. I hosted a friend here in town for a night that I wouldn't have gotten to do otherwise.

Call me selfish or lazy or a home-body or what-have-you, but I quite liked it.

I miss my work pals this week, but man, I'm thankful to have spent this week in my own boring routine.

Have you found yourself happily tucked in to an ordinary week? If you have, go on, be grateful!

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