Thursday, February 21, 2013

thankful thursday #118

Mercy, this is a week where gratitude seems like a stretch.

It's not because there're all kinds of bad happening around me, but just because it's been a ho-hum kind of week.

I suppose I should be grateful for just that.

But I can do better. I know this.

I ran three times this week, and my ankle is feeling increasingly stronger. I started to think for awhile that the swelling might never fully disappear -- and it might not -- but it's close enough. I'm so grateful for healing.

I took a minor plunge in the chair of my sweet hair stylist and called for bangs. Mercifully, I'm not regretting that decision yet. I'm quite enjoying the change. And I should be thankful, because that decision point had potential to be a major disaster.

A good friend popped in for a quick visit this past weekend. I don't see her nearly enough, and I was so happy to spend some time with her.

Although we've had buckets of rain lately, we have not had a good thunderstorm, and tonight we do. I'm loving the sounds and sights. It's a hot tea kind of night.

Amidst your ordinary, what things are you appreciating? Go on, be grateful!

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