Thursday, February 14, 2013

thankful thursday #117

I am fortunate to work with good people. Great people. I truly do consider them my work brothers and sisters.

My work brothers, now they are some pieces of work. It's not uncommon for one to show up in costume on a special day (think American flag button-up shirt on July 4th). Or, they may demand head ornaments at Christmas.

It's also not uncommon for one of them to change a girl's computer settings and drive her to the looney bin before she finds the fix.

Then there're the daily jabs. They fly at lightening speed, and I've gotten quite good at my own quick comebacks.

On this special day of love, they have outdone themselves and given each girl in our office this little happy:

A wrestler valentine and pencil (because who can't use one of those in the office?); a Starbucks gift card (because we love to run up the street for an afternoon pick-me-up); and a bottle of aspirin (because they say we need it to put up with them every day).

How can I not be thankful for these guys and their day-of-love thoughtfulness?

Happy Valentine's Day, folks. Get out there and tell someone "thanks" today! Go on, be grateful!

1 comment:

  1. This made me giggle! I'm thankful for all y'all down in B'Ham!
