Thursday, November 1, 2012

thankful thursday #102

Tuesday is Election Day.

Like many people, I am annoyed by the mudslinging campaign tactics, the seemingly pointless debates, and the division that rears its ugly head throughout this home of the brave.

Like many people, I feel like politics are over my head, the issues are too complex, and the average American could never make a truly informed decision, no matter how intelligent he or she is. 

Like many people, I shamefully wonder if my vote even matters, if there's any leader on the ballot whom I would trust if I knew them personally, and if it isn't all a waste anyway.

It would seem as though today I'd be thankful that in one week, this election will be over.

In the end, though, no matter who is elected President, I'm grateful that we are assured that God sets kings in their kingdoms:

"Praise be to the name of God forever and ever; wisdom and power are his.
He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them."
-- Daniel 2:20-21

If we believe in the perfect sovereignty of God, we have to acknowledge that whichever candidate is voted into office, his power has been divinely ordained.

We might not like it, we may disagree with every decision he makes, and at some point, we will insist that our way would be better.

We may feel like there is no hope for our country.  And maybe that's true.

But I would suggest that our hope should never be in our country, or any elected official, or any political agenda, but in our Lord, who is meticulously working out the redemption of His people, and using every elected official to do so.

I certainly do not have all the answers, or understand every issue at hand.  What I do know, is that I have been born into a country where people have died for my freedom, and fought for my right to have a say.

So I will vote on Tuesday, and be confident that God will use that vote to accomplish His purposes in this chapter of His great story.

Are you able to be thankful in the midst of political division?  Go on, be grateful!

1 comment:

  1. The issues in this year's election might not be crystal clear, but they are clearer to me than at any time in the 10 previous presidential elections in which I have voted! A move toward European socialism or a move back toward American exceptionalism; unbridled abortion-on-demand or a respect for and protection of the innocent; marriage as defined by societal whims or marriage as defined by God in the Bible; an increasing dependency upon big government or an increase in self-government and personal responsibility. This weekend Obama said 'vote for revenge'! Romney countered with 'vote for love of country'! How true we can never be 100% certain that our candidate is who he says he is. But the past record of both men and the stands they have taken give us a clear choice in this election. To the best of my ability, I try to base all my votes on Biblical Values, not human personality, slogans, promises, etc. All the above should have been prefaced with: I am an imperfect sinner who could be wrong, but here is my best take on this year's election!
