Monday, November 12, 2012

hello monday (new blue)

An ideal weekend for me includes a little lazing mixed in with a little productivity. It's a hard balance, but if, come Monday morning, I feel refreshed and have something to show for my time at home, that is a good weekend.

This weekend afforded me both, but Monday morning is literally raining on my parade, so how about some hellos to start this rainy week?


Hello, before and after. Jazz Club is making a bold statement, I'd say.


Hello, weekend food frenzy. How many calories did you say I consumed this weekend? Oh.


Hello, new sofa. I'm glad to finally meet you, and I look forward to many, many years together.


Hello, furniture rearranging. Quite the back-breaker, you are.


Hello, Thanksgiving in just ten days.  (How did that happen?)


Hello, Christmas shopping.  Let's get you knocked out asap, okay?

Happy Monday, folks.  Get out and greet the week!


  1. Simply Beautiful! I love the navy wall and the new sofa!

  2. I love the simplicity of your blog. It's so refreshing. I get excited when I see a new post from you on my reader. And I love the navy! Great choice. And since I can completely relate to the search for, the saving up for, the purchasing, and the waiting for the arrival of the new sofa, I am perfectly giddy about your newest furniture addition.
