Thursday, December 29, 2011

thankful thursday #58

Last December, the Bible study gals and I embarked on a reading plan that would take us chronologically through the Bible in one year.

Admittedly, it was a challenge that, at times, I wasn't sure we would meet.

One year later, it's laughable to think that for a brief moment, we actually considered the ninety-day reading plan.

Ninety days!

While noble and ambitious, that idea was not practical.

Anyway, praise Jesus, it is finished.  I'm so thankful today that we can celebrate the resolve that undoubtedly came from Him.  (We certainly couldn't muster up that much resolve on our own.)

And more importantly, I'm grateful that when the ninety-day reading plan came up for discussion, the realist friend stepped up and reined in the nonsense.

We're more sane because of it.

What are you appreciating today, as the end of 2011 creeps in?  Go on, be grateful!

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