Monday, April 29, 2013

pant-less love

My flight was an hour delayed last night. The plane landed at 11:30. I crawled into bed around 12:15.

But that did not steal my joy.

This visit to see Little Man was strangely spontaneous, and I would not have had it any other way!

On top of our traditional park visit (Little Man still loves his swinging), we checked out a local zoo, which started off promising ...

... (he looks happy, no?) ...

... but got dicey when the pygmy goats snuggled up a little too closely. This was just before the melt-down ensued.

We made nice by heading to a nearby creamery, for a special treat.

There was some impromptu strumming and humming happening, which gave the grounds a spunky personality.

Even though Carter snacked on Goldfish (he doesn't yet know what he's missing), he did try some of my milkshake. I'm proud that his first taste was some of mine.

It was a pretty day, and I mostly just enjoyed being with people I love to pieces.

We did some traffic-watching. He's just beginning to pick out airplanes, too. The wonder is astounding.

And in a state of cheerful disposition before I left, he did allow me to strap him down for just long enough to snap one photo.

Never mind that he was pant-less.

He still charms me so.

1 comment:

  1. Great photos -- Robyn -- glad you could spend some time with the little man. Your hair is getting long!
