Thursday, January 24, 2013

thankful thursday #114

Sometimes, I get surprised by a special dinner date.

They are always spontaneous, and happen right at my office desk. (Long distance, across time zones, requires FaceTime.)

I don't eat, though. I'd rather just admire his face, even when he gives me the sass.

I had one of those dates tonight. He wasn't looking quite this dapper -- pasta and meatballs don't jive with the sweater vest -- but it sure did make me thankful.

I just knew this week would be a good one. What's got your cup overflowing today? Go on, be grateful!

1 comment:

  1. (Second try!) I'm thankful that my house didn't burn down on Tuesday night. I had gone out for dinner (a.k.a. supper) with a friend, who had just had her husband transferred from the hospital to a rehab facility. Upon entering the house, I found that it was filled with smoke (white variety). My 3 dogs were still alive, thank God. It seems that the flue/damper in my fireplace had closed on its own while I was gone for those 2 hours. (I had started a fire late that afternoon.)
