Sunday, July 1, 2012

the problem with grace-stretchers

There are people in my life -- dare I say, in everyone's lives -- who are maddening.  You know these people, these grace-stretchers.

He has a quirk that frustrates me.

She never thinks before she speaks.

He's so inconsiderate.

She talks so loudly. 

She's so impatient.

And on and on.

When I feel annoyed, I usually cue the old hymn "Grace Greater Than Our Sin" in my mind to inspire me to take the high road.  To remind myself that it's not about me, and to sieze the opportunity to extend grace to these people who are seemingly oblivious.

Grace, grace, God's grace ...

That's the spiritually mature thing to do.

Except it's not.  At all.

There isn't one person on the earth who needs a bigger dose of grace than me, or anyone else.  The grace of God isn't rationed out, based on how challenging we are at a given time.

He isn't discriminatory in how he grants his unmerited favor, and if, as followers of Christ, we're being transformed into His likeness, then we shouldn't be either.

So the problem with grace-stretchers isn't that they require more work from me.  The problem is that they hold up a flawless mirror to my own face, revealing a nasty pride disguised as a willing grace-giver.

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
Amazing love, now flowing down
From hands and feet
That were nailed to the tree
Grace flows down and covers me

-- "Who Am I/Grace Flows Down", Watermark

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