Tuesday, July 12, 2011

nothing and everything

Blogging has been such the experiment for me.

Will I have anything worth saying?  (Maybe.)  Will it become a burden?  (No.)  Will I find a writing rhythm?  (Mostly.  About three times a week, in fact.)

Let it be known, however, that July is the month of not too much going on, while everything is going on.  And I've found that while this kind of "everything" is going on, none of it is worth writing about.

Over the past week or so I ...

Took the Little to see Mr. Popper's Penguins.

Perhaps the lamest movie of 2011, but well worth it, to spend the afternoon with my penguin-obsessed Little.  She was beside herself.  And I was happy to share a bag of over-buttered, overpriced popcorn with her.  She's a jewel.

Ran ten miles.

In a row, that is.  Man, that hurt, and yes, this upcoming half marathon will hurt more. It was nice, though, to spend the morning with friends, and take in some nostalgic neighborhood life along the way:  women pinning laundry to an old-fashioned clothesline; the nice person who leaves cups and a cooler of water in his yard for the runners; new moms getting out with their babies before the sun's too unbearable; fresh cut lawns; a post-run smoothie in a local coffee shop. It was good. In retrospect.

Enjoyed a haircut in a new chair.

My stylist moved to a little shop in Old Town Helena called Roots.  It's simple and sweet, with white-washed walls and a window air conditioning unit.  Nikol and I were her only appointments, so we made a girls' day of it.  We were channeling Steel Magnolias all the while.

Wrapped up Peru trip prep.

Our final team meeting was Sunday, when the packing began.  Our awesomely organized leader dazzled us (me) with a diagram of how we would off-load our luggage from the carousel.  He does not play, people.  It was beautiful.  I purchased the last few items on my list -- protein bars for when our food is terrible, and Sour Patch Kids to make me happy on the flights.  (Now if I can just adhere to the 50-pound baggage weight limit...)

And that is my week of nothing and everything.

1 comment:

  1. Got on here because I missed you, and just thinking about your raptures at the diagram made me laugh and laugh! Made me miss you a little less for right now :-)
