Wednesday, July 13, 2011

praying for peru

"What will you be doing on your mission trip?" I've been asked countless times.

I cherish the interest, the excitement, the curiosity of the people who ask it.

"There will be medical clinics, some children's ministry, some facilitating local Bible studies."

I giggle (inside, of course) at the confusion that creeps into their eyes when they can't reconcile my answer with the fact that a) I have no medical training, b) I do not work with children, and c) I don't speak a lick of Spanish.

Several weeks ago, one of our team leaders challenged us with the bottom line of Paul's ministry:

"Boldly and without hindrance he preached the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ." -- Acts 28:31

She said, "When people ask you what you're doing on this mission trip, be bold.  Be clear that you are going to tell people about Jesus Christ."

So off we go, to do just that:  to share with people who haven't heard, that Jesus is the great Life Changer.

Tonight I had the privilege of being covered by the prayers of sweet friends.  It's humbling to know people back home are remembering you, and petitioning the Father on your behalf.  If you feel led, here are a few suggested prayers that I know our team will covet:

Security  (Psalm 91)
Open Doors  (Colossians 4:2-6)
Boldness  (Ephesians 6:19-20)
Endurance & Unity  (Romans 15:5-6)
Eternal Focus  (Psalm 95:1-7)

In the end, we want lives of the people we meet to be changed, and we trust the mighty Life Changer to make it happen.

But knowing what I know, if we serve people the way God commands us, I imagine He will craft us, and change us, to be a little more like Jesus in the process.


  1. What group are you going with and where in Peru? My church in Knoxville had/had quite the connection with the Christian Missionary Society work there.

  2. We are going with e3 Partners, to Arequipa --in the mountains, southern Peru. Wonder where your church goes?

  3. Robyn,
    You are going to be a bright light of hope to many who feel they have none. Don't forget, A merry heart doeth the soul like a good medicine. You are more of a clinician than you may think. My daily prayers will be with you Nikol, and everyone else going with you. God Bless!

  4. robyn, you are such an inspiration... i wish you all the best on your mission trip! i'll be praying for you!
