Thursday, July 7, 2011

thankful thursday #34

In ten short days, I'm heading to Peru.

It's my first international mission trip, and while I'm excited, and expectant, and exhilarated at the thought of it all, I confess to having had my share of holy-smokes-what-am-I-doing? moments.

(Moments other than the vaccination situation, I mean.)

I've felt ill-equipped.  Less than qualified.  Lacking in knowledge.

Et cetera, et cetera.  You get the idea.

Throughout our preparations, though, I've been gently nudged along, being ever reminded that this trip isn't about me at all, or my feelings, or my so-called shortcomings.  Spiritually speaking, I know Who's got this, and it's really about His fame.

In fact, He's so got this, that practically speaking, I'm being led by an uber-organized trip leader, and I know that everything that we might even pretend to have control of, will be taken care of.  I have received endless lists, packing recommendations, spreadsheets and schedules, booklets and handbooks, and anything else that speaks the love language of the left-brained personality.

I believe greater works have yet to be done, and more supernatural lessons are yet to be learned.  But these are the tangible tastes of provision for which I'm thankful at this point.  Stay tuned for more!

What're you appreciating today?  Go on, be grateful!

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