Thursday, March 1, 2012

thankful thursday #67

I've heard some parents say that having children gives them a fresh, unique perspective on God's love.

Like God the Father, they want the highest and best for their children.  They ache when their children hurt.  They desire to share wisdom with their children.  They teach them and prepare them and train them up to make right choices, but they never stop wanting to be involved in their world.

On the other hand, I've never heard children say that having loving parents gives them a fresh, unique perspective on God's love.

Like God's children, we think we know best.  We make poor decisions.  We learn lessons and receive favor, but we count them as great things we have done, not as products of our parents' guidance and direction.  While our parents long to be a part of our world, we are satisfied by living independently, exerting our own authority.

Obviously, no one has perfect parents.  Some spend a lifetime wrestling with the mistakes of their parents, and never see even a glimpse of God's character through their earthly example.

There have been a slew of unrelated events happening in and around my life over the past couple of weeks that together have provided a piercing reminder to me that although not perfect, my mom and dad did a whole bunch of things right, for and by their kids.

And I'm thankful for it.

So while I don't have the parents' perspective of God's love, I hope I can be a child who never forgets her parents' example of a holy God's sacrificial love for His children.

What perspective are you thankful for this week?  Go on, be grateful!

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