Sunday, February 5, 2012

one giant party

There's nothing about the NFL that really fires me up.

To illustrate, when my group of friends gathered tonight to watch the big game, we collectively decided to cheer on the Giants as a sort of default, because Tom Brady has some past relational indiscretions that we couldn't support.

We weren't exactly grace extenders here.  Nor, obviously, did we really care about the game.

But when (my foodie friend) Lori and I throw a party, we can get fired up about some good eats.

Last year, we unknowingly began a little tradition, serving up some team-themed dishes.  There were only three of us then, but while intimate, it made the Super Bowl more than bearable.

This year, we took it to a whole new level, co-hosting 13 friends in my little ol' apartment.  I said to someone when the RSVP's were rolling in, "I might have over-extended my space."

But I'm so glad we did!

And the food?

Food was coming out of our ears.  So fun, though.

The year of hospitality continues!

On a side note, don't judge me, but I was a fan of Madonna's half-time show.  Did anyone else love her "Like a Prayer" number?

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