Tuesday, January 17, 2012

so tell me about yourself

Uncreative question to start an interview, yes?  I think so too.  I don't use it.

Today -- all day -- I interviewed candidates for an open position in our company.  Although I don't do it terribly often, it's a favorite work responsibility.

I love visiting with young people embarking on their career journey.  When they are pried away from their electronics, they are curious and engaging.  They are enthusiastic.  They are a blank canvas.

In particular, the ones who come with intelligent questions (that did not come from a Google search for "questions to ask a potential employer") are particularly impressive.  I wish there were more of them.

What is our company's growth strategy?

What do we enjoy most about our jobs?

How do we measure success?

When we answer those inquiries, I'm reminded that our growth "strategy" is rooted, quite simply, in relationships and integrity.  When we do the right thing by our clients, the word travels, and new business finds us.  That's a luxury not many companies can claim as a reality.

I'm reminded that the people we work with, and our desire to help each other succeed, are the things we most cherish.

I'm reminded that our success isn't all about a bottom line, or sales quotas.  We value the intangibles over the tangibles.

It's not all a bed of roses, of course -- is any job?  Even after a day like today, I am exhausted from being "on" for those interviews.  The introvert in me is screaming, Enough already!

And over the coming days, I'm going to seriously hate the phone calls to the candidates who aren't chosen.

But in the end, it's a good place to be, uncovering some of those forgotten treasures that get buried under the rubble of our daily work routine.

What's the most memorable interview question you've been asked?

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