Monday, August 15, 2011

shock waves

Our church family experienced major shock waves late Saturday afternoon when we were notified that our Recreation Ministries Director had suddenly passed away.

Since I received the news, my stomach has turned, my heart's been sad, and the tears have spilled over easily.

When believers pass away, we know the sadness is one-sided.  It's felt by and for the people left behind, not for the one who has met Jesus face to face.  And we pray that somehow through the unexpected slipping away of our friend, we will see the glory of God revealed in a new way.

There have been beautiful, sweet words shared among our friends, honoring his memory and the legacy he left here on earth.  We exchange stories about his infectious hilarity; his unending selflessness; his devoted service to the Lord, and to His people.

Our stories seem like a desperate attempt to bring him back.  Like if we talk about him, we won't miss him so much.

But we do.  We miss Rob.

Sunday morning was, by far, the most difficult church service many of us can recall ever attending.  Even still, I stubbornly acknowledged a little bit of that glory peeking through the darkness.

I personally felt a vulnerability sweeping through our church body, pricking hearts and prompting raw emotions like never before.  I'm banking on that transparency to be the rule for us moving forward, not the exception.

We pray that people will be inspired by Rob's service to pay it forward, and to pull together to fill the gaps that seem impossible to overcome in his absence.

Ultimately, we hope for spiritual growth among our church family, knowing that great growth comes from great pain.

In the meantime, I'm clinging to Psalm 34:18.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit."


  1. So sorry for your (and your church's) loss. I didn't realize you were going through this sadness when we spoke on Sunday. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
