Thursday, December 4, 2014

thankful thursday #209

After last week's post of gratitude-nonsense, I owe this series some realness this week:

A few weeks ago, I had a bout of hurt feelings. That means these kinds of questions swirl incessantly in my brain:

I don't understand why that happened?
What could/should I have done better?
Why did they say that?
What did they mean when they said that?

On and on.

As it goes with hurt feelings, it just takes some time to get over 'em. I have to remind myself of that, because I'm not a great feeler. I want to mentally process what happened, and then just be okay.

But those hurt feelings. Sometimes they just linger.

A few days ago, in one of the moments when the hurt bubbled to the surface, I caught myself thinking, I wish I didn't feel this anymore.

And in that very instant, it's like the Lord grabbed my shoulders, looked me straight in the eyes, and shook me silly.

Never say that. I never, ever want your heart to be hardened or de-sensitized.

And then this is when I think exercising gratitude paid off, because I was thankful in that moment when tears were flowing. When I would have preferred to detach and be bitter, I was grateful that I did feel.

Next time you feel a hint of sad, or blue, or hurt, appreciate that tender heart you've received. Go on, be grateful!

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